Here’s news that will surprise exactly no one.
The list of “100 Most Powerful People for Massachusetts Latinos” is full of Jamaica Plain residents and others with strong ties to our neighborhood.
Please click over to El Planeta for the entire list. Here’s page one and here’s page two.
By my count, at least ten of the movers and shakers on El Planeta’s list live in or have close ties to Jamaica Plain. I’m sure I’ve missed some. Please add others in the comments section.
- Victoria Amador, Tremendous Maid
- Carlos Arredondo, American Red Cross volunteer
- Félix G. Arroyo, Boston Chief of Health and Human Services
- John Barros, Director of Economic Development, City of Boston
- Sonia Chang-Díaz, State Senator, Second Suffolk District
- Nobel García, El Oriental de Cuba
- Claudio Martínez, Hyde Square Task Force
- Jeffrey Sánchez, State Representative, Fifteenth Suffolk District
- Magalis Troncoso Lama, Dominican Development Center-Network of Women in Solidarity
- Alberto Vasallo III, El Mundo Newspaper
Read the whole list at El Planeta (be sure to click “Leer más” for full list).
[Editor’s note: The original version of this post did not include the second page of the list.]