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Pho Real: Vietnamese Noodle Shop Could Replace Ban Chiang House

A view of the interior of Ban Chiang House
A view of the interior of Ban Chiang House. Taken March 13, 2013 during lunch when they were scheduled to be open but were not.

It’s sad when a JP business shuts its doors, as Ban Chiang House recently did.

But departures bring the chance for new arrivals. And in the case of 707 Centre St., which up until the last week or so was home to the Thai food of Ban Chiang House, one possible future is as a Vietnamese noodle shop.

A new owner hopes to open a pho restaurant, according to Andrew Zarro, executive director of JP Centre/South Main Streets and Jullieanne Doherty, the mayor’s liaison for Jamaica Plain.

The public process is underway for the Vietnamese restaurant to become a reality. One of the next steps is an appearance by the new owner before the Public Service Committee of the JP Neighborhood Council.

The Jamaica Plain News aims to keep you up-to-date with the neighborhood’s always-changing business scene, so we’ll keep a close eye on this one.

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